Question: Why do we believe the urgency of the Rapture?
THERe ARE Two reasons

JESUS CHRIST our LORD is coming back to Rapture HIS church to be with HIM according to HIS promise in John 14:1-3, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in GOD; believe also in ME. My FATHER’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with ME that you also may be where I am.”
We believe that the Rapture is imminent and is around the corner, most likely in our lifetime, if not within one or two years. In fact, it can happen any day now. The window is closing in as we are speaking…

Reason #1

JESUS, in Matthew 24:32-35, said, “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that summer is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but MY Words will never pass away.”
JESUS is saying that the generation of people who were present while the fig tree’s twigs get tender and leaves sprout will live to see “the summer,” the very end, i.e. HIS Second Coming.

The fig tree in the bible is symbolic of Israel (Hosea 9:10; Joel 1:7, 1:12). If this metaphor of fig tree’s twigs getting tender and new leaves sprouting represents Israel’s becoming a nation, which took place on May 14, 1948, we could pretty much expect the nearness of CHRIST’s Second Advent.
The generation that witnessed this major historical event of restoration of Israel in 1948 is now 76 years old or older. That specific generation, at least a good number of them that saw the re-birth of Israel (the twigs get tender and its leaves sprout) will be present to see CHRIST’s Second Coming.

Suffice it to say that the second point (2) above doesn’t give us too much time to twiddle our thumbs, especially with the statistics of life expectancy today, which could only prompt us to believe that CHRIST’s return is more expedient than we think. Compounding that with GOD’s timetable for Rapture and the 7-year Tribulation, it is very clear that the Rapture should and will take place even sooner since it precedes the Tribulation and the Second Advent of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Reason #2

Revelation 1:7 tells us that every eye will see JESUS at HIS Second Advent. “Look, HE is coming with the clouds,”
 and “every eye will see HIM,
even those who pierced HIM…”
In addition, Revelation 11:1-12 tells us that during the Tribulation Time, two witnesses, clothed in sackcloth, will show up from nowhere to prophesy for JESUS for 1,260days. But when their job is done, the Beast (the Antichrist) will kill them… As this event is taking place in Jerusalem, the whole earth, all people alive, from every tribe, tongue and nation will be able to watch it and celebrate the death of GOD’s martyrs.
People before our era probably would scratch their heads about these Bible accounts: How in the world could this be possible for the whole world to see and every eye to witness events taking place at the same time?

The Internet. It works 24/7. It has brought the whole globe into your horizon. There was no time in history that these Bible prophecies could have been fulfilled until now..
Starlink vows to send 30,000 more satellites into earth orbit to fulfill that ambition that there will be NO blind spot to your central vision and you will know everything going on in every square inch of the world.
Increased usage of personal devices. Nowadays almost every person, young or old, owns at least one computer, a laptop, a tablet, and certainly a cell phone and has access to all sorts of information and all kinds of news 24/7. As the world is becoming more intertwined and connected due to the literacy, availability, and propagation of technologies/social media, it has turned into a Global Village

After the Rapture, with millions of people missing and unprecedented chaos, the world will fall into darkness. But believers will be in their glorified bodies with the LORD.
Are you ready to meet JESUS our LORD in the air?


Why pre-tribulation rapture?

Within the scope of Pre-Millennialism, we hold a strong view on Pre-Tribulation Rapture, i.e. the Rapture will take place before the seven-year tribulation. The reasons are listed below:

Three quarters of the prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled LITERALLY, and we believe the last one fourth will be fulfilled LITERALLY as well. The logic is simple; literal fulfillment is the only way to know for certain that the prophecies have been fulfilled. According to our sovereign GOD’s perfect track record. HE never fails and HE is never ambiguous when it comes to HIS prophecy since HE is the Author of prophecies. Thus, we don’t believe in spiritualizing or allegorizing prophecies like the views of Amillennialism or Post-Millennialism. The only view in eschatology that makes sense is Pre-Millennialism, i.e. JESUS will come back, landing on Mount of Olives (HIS Second Advent) before HE ushers in and establishes the Millennial Kingdom, which is 100% supported by Daniel accounts in chapter 2 and chapter 7. The ROCK, that was cut out not by human hands, will torpedo down from heaven, strike the multi-metallic statue at the feet (during the times of ten kings and the Antichrist), destroy wicked nations, and mushroom into a mountain (Millennial Kingdom) that fills the whole earth.

Early Church

Early church fathers, Irenaeus (AD 130 - 202), Ephraim the Syrian (AD 306 - 373), and Eusebius (AD 260 - 340), believed in pre-tribulation Rapture.

Literal Interpretation of Prophecy

Pre-tribulation Rapture is the only view that supports literal interpretation of Biblical Scripture and prophecies.

God's Plan for Israel

According to Daniel 9, the seven-year tribulation is reserved or decreed for Daniel’s people(the Jewish people, not the church) and Daniel’s city (Jerusalem) to finish transgression, put an end to sin, atone for wickedness, bring in everlasting righteousness, seal up visions and prophecy, and atone the Most Holy ONE (or GOD’s temple) before JESUS ushers in His Millennial Kingdom (Daniel 2 and 9). Church is not Israel and Israel is not the Church. Church did not, does not and will not replace Israel or vice versa.

Absence of the Church in Tribulation

None of the Old Testament (“OT”) or the New Testament (“NT”) passages on the Tribulation mention the church.

Living in Grace thru Christ's Victory

Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:19 says, “that is, that GOD was in CHRIST reconciling the world to HIMSELF, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.” Believers live in the dispensation of grace, not wrath, because JESUS our LORD has taken our sin on the cross. HE has triumphed over sin and death.

Christ's Redemption for Believers

The church is not appointed or subject to GOD’s wrath in Tribulation because CHRIST JESUS has taken the cup of wrath for believers (Luke 22:42). GOD’s wrath, throughout the OT and NT, will pour out, globally, on the wicked, i.e. the people that rejected their GOD and SAVIOR JESUS.
(a)  There are many reference verses from the OT about GOD’s wrath pouring out on the wicked: Psalm 2:12, 75:8; Isaiah 13:9, 9:19; Zephaniah 1:15, 1:18; Micah 5:15; Proverbs 11:23; Nahum 1:6; Jeremiah 10:10.
(b)  Similar references from the NT: Hebrews 10:31; Romans 1:18-20, 2:5, 5:9, 9:22; Ephesians 2:2-6; Revelation 6:16; 14:10, 16:19; John 3:36; 1 Thess. 1:10, 5:9and Colossians 3:1-6.
(c)  Among all the above, four Scriptures stand out the most: Romans 5:9; 1 Thessalonians. 1:10,1 Thessalonians. 5:9 and Colossians 3:1-6.

Deliverance Before Wrath

The Rapture of the church is depicted as a deliverance before the Day of Wrath, while the Second Advent is followed by the deliverance of those who put their faith in CHRIST during the Tribulation.

Worthy to Escape

In Luke 21:34-36, JESUS our LORD teaches believers to live a holy life and pray always that they may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the SON of MAN, because that Day (Rapture)will come on them unexpectedly. The only reason why the church will escape the wrath of GOD is that JESUS our LORD had taken that wrath upon HIMSELF.

God's Deliverance

It is GOD’s character to deliver the righteous ones (now applicable to believers because we are covered under CHRIST’s blood and HIS righteousness) before GOD pours out HIS divine judgment, as GOD delivered Noah and his family, Lot, Rahab, and others (2 Peter 2:5-9)

Church's Role: Rapture to Return

In the book of Revelation, the church is not mentioned after chapter 3 and is absent from chapters 4-18 that deals with GOD’s wrath (seven seals, seven trumpets and seven bowls judgments) on earth during the seven-year tribulation. Then the church reappears in chapter 19, where the church is depicted as CHRIST’s bride returning to earth with JESUS, after the Tribulation. The reason behind this is that at the time of Rapture, all believers (the church) will go to the FATHER’s house in heaven (John 14:3) and receive Bema rewards (or loss or rewards), and will return with JESUS after the Tribulation.

Two Phases of Christ’s Coming

Rapture vs. Second Advent: The New Testament presents two phases of CHRIST’s coming: The first phase takes place when HE raptures HIS church, first meeting them in the air and then taking them to HIS FATHER’s house (John 14:3; 1 Thess. 4:16-17).The second phase is when HE returns to the earth (on Mount of Olives) with believers (in their glorified bodies) to judge HIS enemies and nations, and ushers in the Millennial Kingdom.

The Tribulation Remnant: Israelites

The godly remnants of the Tribulation are pictured as Israelites, not members of the church

Imminence vs. Signs

The Pre-Trib. Rapture interpretation teaches that the Rapture is imminent while the Second Advent is preceded by definite and observable signs (Matthew 24:1-29).

The Imminent Return

In Matthew 24:44; Luke 12:40, Mark 13:32-37, our LORD teaches that No person knows the time of the Rapture, i.e. HE can come in anytime without warning or signs. The only way for the Rapture to be imminent is Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Mid-Trib orPost-Trib is not imminent. 

Purify Yourself

The reason why John the disciple exhorts believers to purify themselves (get ready) to look for the coming of JESUS, is that the Rapture is imminent (1 John3:2-3).

Judgment Exclusive to Believers

In 2 Corinthians 5:10, Paul says that all believers must appear before the Bema/Judgment seat of CHRIST, an event never mentioned in the accounts with the Second Advent of CHRIST to the earth.

Rewards in Heaven

Derived from 2 Corinthians 5:10, it makes sense that the believers will go through the Bema Judgement/Reward in heaven while the earth goes through the 7-year Tribulation, before the church returns to the earth with JESUS.

The Wedding and Pre-Trib Rapture

In Luke 12:36, Scripture says that when CHRIST returns, HE will be returning from a wedding. At the Rapture, HE is married to HIS bride, the church. After the wedding, HE will return to earth with HIS bride. Thus, the Rapture of the church must precede the Tribulation and the Second Advent of CHRIST (Rev. 19:7-10).

The Restrainer: The Holy Spirit

The Restrainer: Most likely, the Restrainer (2 Thess. 2:5-7) is the HOLY SPIRIT who indwells the believers because the believer’s body is the temple of the HOLY SPIRIT (1 Cor. 3:16, 6:9). When the Church is raptured, the SPIRIT-indwelt church and its restraining influence will be removed. That will release the world to sin and darkness. It is only by then the Antichrist will be in plain sight and GOD will pour out HIS wrath on earth.

Glorified and Natural Bodies United

Revelation 20:1-6 indicate that when JESUS returns to earth, HE will establish HIS Millennial Kingdom that will last for 1,000 years. The Old Testament saints, believers from the Church age, and believers who died during the Tribulation, having been resurrected at various points before the MK, will all enter the MK in their glorified bodies. In contrast, those who put their faith in JESUS during the Tribulation time and survive until CHRIST’s Second Advent will enter the MK in their natural and human bodies.

Ordinary Lives in Natural Bodies

Isaiah 65:20-25 describe the Millennial Kingdom (“MK”). It seems to indicate, that during the MK, people, in their natural bodies (not glorified bodies) will carry on ordinary jobs like farming, planting vineyards, building houses, and they will bear children as they populate the MK. These people cannot be the Raptured believers who have translated into their glorified bodies.  

Sheep, Goats, and the Millennial Kingdom

Matthew 25:31-46 refer to CHRIST’s judgment on the Gentiles, which will occur after HIS Second Advent. The people gathered at this Judgment are survivors of the seven-year Tribulation. JESUS our LORD will divide the Gentile nations/people into two groups: sheep (saved) vs. goats (unsaved), depending on how they treat Israel (especially the 144,000 Messianic Jews) in the Tribulation time. The sheep group will be preserved and enter the Millennial Kingdom in their natural bodies while the goat group faces destruction. If the Rapture and the Second Advent were the same event and occur simultaneously, as claimed by the Post-Trib friends, all living believers are caught up to meet JESUS and escort HIM back to earth, there won’t be any sheep left on earth when JESUS arrives. There will be only goats.

Sheep and Goats Judgment

Again, if the Rapture takes place at JESUS’ Second Advent, it won’t be necessary for JESUS to separate the sheep from the goats at the judgment because all sheep will be gone. If so, the sheep vs. goat judgment won’t be necessary.

Meeting in the Air vs. Returning to Earth

At the moment of Rapture, believers will meet JESUS in the air, while at the Second Advent, CHRIST will touch down on the Mount of Olives to meet the saints one earth. In addition, the Raptured believers with glorified bodies (1 Cor. 15:52) will come back with HIM after the Tribulation, according to Rev. 19. 

Believers in Heaven, Saints on Earth

At the Rapture, believers go to heaven, while at the Second Advent, the saints (those who put their faith in CHRIST during Tribulation time and survive) remain on the earth.

Sin vs. Judgment

The world at the Rapture is not judged and continues in sin, while at the Second Advent the world is judged and righteousness is established in the earth.

Satan Bound

At the Rapture Satan is not bound, while at CHRIST’s Second Coming Satan is bound and cast into the abyss for 1,000 years.

The Blessed Hope of the Rapture

Blessed Hope (Blessed Assurance): The Rapture is intended to comfort and bless believers. The New Testament presents it as a sure hope that CHRIST will appear and take believers home, HIS and our FATHER’s house (John 14:2-3). The reason why Paul calls JESUS’ appearing “the blessed hope” or “the blessed assurance” (2 Timothy 4:8; Titus 2:13; 1 Thess. 4:18) is that he foresees Rapture taking place before the Tribulation. If believers are to go through GOD’s Wrath, it is No Longer blessed hope or blessed assurance.

With the references above, we believe that the Rapture is not the same as JESUS’ Second Coming and will not take place simultaneously with JESUS’ Second Coming. In fact, the Rapture is imminent, and it can happen anytime now…
Are you ready to meet JESUS face to face in the Rapture?

Why we believe in a Pre-Trib Rapture?  

In exercising literal and critical thinking, we believe Pre-Tribulation Rapture (in the realm of Pre-Millennialsim) is the best approach to eschatology (end time theology).

Useful links:

what are those different approaches to Jesus' return?

These are main theological perspectives on the timing and nature of Jesus Christ's return in relation to the Millennium - a 1,000-year reign of Christ described in Revelation 20:


A literal interpretation of the end time. CHRIST’s Second Coming will occur prior to HIS millennial kingdom, and that the millennial kingdom is a literal 1000-year reign of CHRIST’s on earth.
Within Pre-Millennialism, there are three primary views:
(1) Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Rapture will take place before the 7-year Tribulation.
(2) Mid-Tribulation Rapture: The Rapture will take place in the middle of the Tribulation.
(3) Post-Tribulation Rapture: The Rapture will take place after the 7-year Tribulation.


JESUS’ Second Coming will occur after the Millennium.


There is No Millennium. An amillennialist sees the 1,000 years as spiritual and non-literal, as opposed to a literal interpretation of the prophecy.


what can we do?

Knowing that JESUS, the KING of kings and LORD of lords, is coming very soon to rapture us, His church, what kind of Christians ought you and I to be? What actions should we take to glorify JESUS? There are many actions we can adopt but we want to focus on the following Four:


 We ought to long for JESUS’ coming

This world is not our home. We are only pilgrims passing through this life on earth. According to JESUS’ own words, the devil is the ruler of the world (John 12:31-32). Satan is trying everything to allure believers from the LORD by keeping us busy and focusing on the temporal and destructible “things,” instead of our eternal rewards and crowns.
Before martyrdom, Paul wrote 2 Timothy 4:6-8, “For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the LORD, the righteous Judge will award to me on that day --- and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for HIS appearing.”
Do you long for HIS appearing? Do you love JESUS with all your heart, mind, soul and strength? Are you excited about HIS coming and meeting us in the air? Are you looking forward to spending eternity with JESUS? Do you share that excitement with your loved ones, family, church siblings and your community? Are you shining HIS light as you await HIS coming?

We ought to live for JESUS:

Paul, in Titus 2:13-14 encourages believers, “While we wait for the blessed hope---the appearing of the glory of our great GOD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, who gave HIMSELF for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for HIMSELF a people that are HIS very own, eager to do what is good.”
Likewise, Peter the disciple addresses the same topic (about how to live for JESUS) in 2 Peter Chapter 3. 
(1) Verse 3:11: Since everything will be destroyed in this way (ref. to 3:10 that the heavens will disappear with a roar and the elements will be destroyed by fire and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare), believers ought to live holy and godly lives as we look forward to the day of GOD and speed its coming.
(2) Verse 3:14: Since we the believers are looking forward to CHRIST’s appearing, we ought to make every effort to be found spotless, blameless, and at peace with HIM.
(3) Verse 3:17: Since we have been forewarned, we should be on our guard so that we may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from our secure position, but grow in the grace and knowledge of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.
Let’s always walk in step with the HOLY SPIRIT and in the SPIRIT, and always ask for HIS insight, discernment and guidance.

We ought to preach for JESUS

Almost every believer can recite our LORD’s Great Commission command in Matthew 28:18-20, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to ME. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
JESUS our LORD makes it clear that we are to go and share the Gospel with the world and make disciples of all people…That’s our ABBA FATHER’s heart because HE loves the world so much that HE gave HIS One and only begotten SON so whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life with HIM. Simply put, the Great Commission is our FATHER’s business. It is our SAVIOR’s business. It is our family business.  
Do we embrace GOD’s love for the lost? 
Paul stressed on sharing the Gospel as well, “How, then, can they call on the ONE they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the ONE of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” (Romans 10:14-15).  
Who in your life needs to hear the Good News?

We ought to pray in JESUS’ name without ceasing

Hudson Taylor spent 54 years in China. The society that he began was known for bringing over 800 missionaries to China who started 125 schools and directly resulted in 20,000 Christian conversions, as well as the establishment of more than 300 stations of work with more than 499 local helpers in all 18 provinces. Taylor believed needs should be taken to GOD alone in prayer and said, “When we work, we work. When we pray, GOD works.”
Throughout the four Gospels, we see JESUS our LORD prayed often to our HEAVENLY FATHER. HE teaches HIS disciples and believers how to pray in Luke 11. Also, John 17 is JESUS’ longest intercessory prayer, also commonly called “JESUS’ High Priest Prayer.” Our LORD set an example for us HIS followers to follow. As we pray to our HEAVENLY FATHER in CHRIST’s name, we accomplish the following:
·      Prayer helps align our hearts with GOD’s heart, and our plans with HIS plans.
·      Prayer draws us closer to GOD as we rely on HIM.
·      Prayer helps strengthen our faith.
·      Prayer gives us divine insight and direction.
·      Prayer quiets our hearts in times of turmoil and comforts us with GOD’s divine peace in trials.
·      Prayer helps us see things from an eternal perspective and grants us wisdom as well as discernment.
·      Prayer allows us to experience and witness GOD’s mighty powerful Hand and HIS work, even miracles.
·      Prayer helps us stand firm against temptation and the devil’s lies and allurement to sin.
·      Prayer helps us to intercede for ourselves and others.
·      Prayer helps us to stay humble and gives us strength.
Paul talks a lot about prayer:
·      1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
·      Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
·      Romans 8:26, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”
·      Colossians 4:2, “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”
James, JESUS’ half-brother,also encourages us to pray for one another, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James5:16).